Workplace Safety and Health Policy

Perth Markets Group Limited is committed to protecting the health and safety of everyone in our workplace. View the PMGL Workplace Safety and Health Policy.

General Safety

The Open Ears Policy will come into effect on January 1, 2025, in order to mitigate potential health and safety risks associated with the use of headphones, earphones, and earbuds within Perth Markets.

Click here for more information and to view the policy.

In recognition to the importance of the Site Rules and Guides to continued safety and operation of the market, PMGL has implemented a Demerit Point Policy as part of the penalties issued for various breached of the site rules.

Click here for more information and to view the policy.

Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act), Perth Markets Group Limited (PMGL) has an obligation to provide a safe working environment, so far as is reasonably practicable, for all workers in the workplace and other site users.

Aligning with other state wholesale markets across Australia, Perth Markets implements random on-site drug and alcohol testing. Workers who are impaired by drugs or alcohol present a substantial safety risk to themselves and other in the workplace.

Please find the following links to our Policy and Procedure Documents:

For more information about the Drug and Alcohol program at Perth Markets and what you can expect, please watch this PowerPoint presentation: Drug and Alcohol Information Presentation.

All site users must complete the Access Card Application Form, which includes a Site Safety Induction. Once complete, please the form to Perth Markets Reception between 6am – 4pm, Monday – Friday.

Your signature on the application form indicates that you have read and understood the Perth Markets Site Safety Information and Site Rules, and you agree to and accept the conditions of the Perth Markets Privacy Policy.

To report a critical incident or hazard that is currently affecting the health and safety of any person or the environment, please contact the Gatehouse at (08) 9456 9215 or 0424 163 190.

For all other incidents and hazards, please complete the online Incident Report Form. This will be forwarded to the appropriate PMGL employee to investigate.

Upon hearing the emergency alarm and/or in immediate danger:

  • Remain calm,
  • Be aware of your surroundings and nearest exits,
  • Follow instructions communicated by fire wardens and Perth Markets Market Officers,
  • Make your way to the emergency muster point, and
  • Wait until a Perth Markets Market Officer or the fire brigade confirms it is safe to return to the tenancies.
  • All Perth Markets Market Officers are trained in first aid.
  • A first aid room is located at the Perth Markets Administration Office. This first aid room, the Central Trading Area Office and the Perth Markets patrol vehicle are equipped with oxygen and defibrillators, including child defibrillator pads.
  • In the event of an emergency on site, please contact the Gatehouse on (08) 9456 9215 or 0424 163 190.
  • All site users must always wear high visibility clothing, and high visibility vests must comply with the Australian Standard AS/NZS 4602.1:2011.
  • All site users must wear enclosed shoes when on site.
  • Pedestrians must use designated walkways and crosswalks marked on the Site.
  • Pedestrians must be aware of traffic when moving around the Site, particularly forklifts that operate across the Site.
  • Pedestrian access via vehicle entrance is strictly forbidden.
  • When in the Central Trading Area (CTA) within the Perth Markets, pedestrians must also be aware of the floor surfaces and observe potential slip, trip and fall hazards that may be present within the pedestrian areas.
  • Pedestrians must also be very aware of forklift operations within pedestrian areas and therefore must be extra vigilant by constantly observing the surroundings.
  • Smoking is only allowed in the designated smoking areas as per legislation.
  • There is strictly no smoking in the Central Trading Area, or any Perth Markets owned building.
  • Motor vehicles must adhere to the site speed limit of 30km/h on Ring Road.
  • The areas in and around the CTA and buyers bays is strictly 10km/h for forklifts and vehicles.
  • Forklifts are restricted to 20km/h in all other areas of the Site.
  • Obey and follow all traffic signs across the Site (including one way, give way and stop signs).
  • Road rules and requirements as per the Road Traffic Act (WA) must be followed when on Site.

Animals are not permitted on the Site.

Tenant and Employee Safety

  • The Forklift Safe Operations Guide can be found here.
  • Drivers must hold a valid Perth Markets Forklift permit plus a current motor vehicle license to operate forklifts on common areas of the Site.
  • The forklift speed limit is restricted to 10km/h within the CTA and surrounding buyers bays. It is a maximum of 20km/h elsewhere on the Site.
  • Drivers must have their seatbelts fastened.
  • All give way and stop signs must be obeyed.
  • Driving lights must be illuminated when a forklift is in operation.
  • The load on the forklift must be safety and securely stacked.
  • Maximum of 15 pallets must not be exceeded or load must not protrude past the height of the boom (with some exceptions).
  • Pedestrians have the right of way on crosswalks.
  • Gas refuelling facility procedures must be obeyed at all times.
  • No shortcuts are to be taken through the buyers parking areas.
  • To complete the Forklift Operators Permit Induction, please visit click here
  • Speed limits is 30km/h on Ring Road, 15km/h at the site entry and exits and 10km/h in and around the CTA, buyers bay and warehouses.
  • All loads must be secure before movement on Site.
  • Parking out of designated areas and/or without a parking permit may be subject to infringements being issued.

The following guidance materials can help Tenants identify hazards and control options in the workplace. However, this information is provided as a guide only; organisations must comply with all WHS legislations and assess the suitability or otherwise of this information to their particular circumstances.

Contractor Safety

Prior to engaging in works on site, a signed permit or written permission must be obtained from Perth Markets Group Limited.

Permits are required for the following tasks:

  • Hot work
  • Working in confined spaces
  • Working in isolation
  • Using high access equipment
  • Access to roof areas
  • On-site excavation
  • Penetration of fire walls and floors
  • Access to high voltage areas
  • Gas, water and electrical isolation
  • Equipment use on site

To apply for a permit, please visit the PMG Reception in office hours. Alternatively, you can contact us to request a copy be emailed to you.