The Perth Markets Surveillance System was installed to assist in creating a safer environment for businesses, members of the public and visitors to our site. There are currently over 180 cameras in the system which is recording 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

To request a search for CCTV footage please complete the form below.
Once the form is completed the request will be forwarded to a PMG Market Officer to action. The request will be actioned within seven working days after the form was submitted.

By requesting a copy of the footage from PMGL, it is acknowledged you accept full responsibility for this working copy whilst it is in your possession. You agree that you or any other persons are not at liberty to make, release or distribute copies of the footage, unless authorised or required by law. This surveillance record is not to be released to the media under any circumstances unless authorised by the CEO of PMGL.

Footage will only be released for purposes as outlined within Perth Markets’ Privacy Policy.

CCTV Footage Request Form

PMGL utilises an internal software application to lodge repairs, maintenance, breakdowns and failure of infrastructure. The system records necessary information such as type of repair, location and infrastructure including all tenancies and common areas of the Market City Site.

These requests are largely sent to approve PMGL contractors for action. The Facilities Department manages all repairs and maintenance on the site. To speak to the Facilities team, please contact 08 9456 9200.

To lodge a repair maintenance request, please provide the following information via email to

  • Location
  • Type and trade of infrastructure service
  • Description of repair and comments
  • Priority level

To apply for an access card, please complete the Access Card Application Form and return it in person to Perth Market Reception.

As a courtesy to tenants, PMGL maintains an after-hours key authorisation list. This list contains the names of individuals who are authorised to be issued a key to the premises outside normal trading hours (as provided by the Gatehouse attendant on duty). This list can only be modified by the Principal of the specific tenancy or other authorised key issuers specified by the tenancy Principal.

If you are an authorised key issuer and would like to amend or update your after-hours authorisation list, please email

PMG has in place a formal building approval process for tenants to make alterations or building changes prior to works being undertaken within the Perth Markets and Market City Sites. Tenants wishing to make alterations to their tenancy should contact us.

Tenants wishing to discuss their lease should contact us.

For information regarding leasing opportunities, please view the Leasing Opportunities page.

Information regarding safety on site can be viewed on the Safety page. Anyone wishing to discuss a safety issues should contact us.

Forklifts operating on Common Areas at Perth Markets must be registered and operators must hold a Perth Markets Forklift Operator Permit.

Contact us to make an enquiry or to find out more.

Contact us to make an application to hire parking spaces on a permanent or semi-permanent basis.