Demerit Points Policy

In recognition to the importance of the Site Rules and Guides to continued safety and operation of the market, PMGL has implemented a Demerit Point Policy as part of the penalties issued for various breached of the site rules. For further information, please read below or click here for the full policy.


PMGL authorised officers have the authority to issue written warnings and demerit points for any of the following offences:

  • Speeding,
  • Failure to obey stop signs,
  • Parking in walkways (longer than one minute),
  • Use of a mobile phone while driving,
  • Failure to wear a seat belt, and
  • Breach of the Open Ears Policy.

Demerit Points Management

On issuing a written warning for an offense, a set number of demerit points will be recorded in the person’s file. At any time, the offender accumulates 12 or more points, the forklift operating permit will be cancelled for the following three months. During this time, the individual may not operate a forklift in any common area within the site boundaries of the Perth Market.

  • Demerit Points are valid for a 2-year period.
  • PMGL must notify a person if they have accrued 10 Demerit Points.
  • If a person accrues 12 Demerit Points, PMGL may suspend that person’s forklift operators permit for a period of 3 months.




Demerit Point(s)



Operating a forklift with headphones fitted into or over an ear.

Operating a forklift while wearing headphones or



Written warning


It is prohibited for a Person to park any Vehicle (including forklifts) in any manner that blocks access or creates an obstacle (physical or visual) to fire exits, emergency equipment, pedestrian crossings, footpaths, walkways, car parks or roads.

Parking a forklift on a pedestrian walkway for longer than one minute.


Written warning


Have their seatbelt fastened at all times when the forklift is moving.

Failure to wear a seat belt while operating a forklift.


Written warning


Not use a hand-held device (such as a mobile phone), eat, drink or smoke or do anything other than operate the controls whilst the forklift is moving.

Using a handheld mobile phone while operating a forklift (not otherwise parked and stationary).


Written warning


Obey the Forklift speed limit of 10 kilometres per hour in the CTA and Buyer

Bays and all other speed restrictions as

per Site signage and as defined in the

Traffic Management Plan, namely 20kmh

for Forklifts and 30kmh for all other vehicles.

Operating a forklift at speeds in excess of the posted speed limit.


Written warning


Obay traffic usage signage and management signs including all give way, stop, traffic and road markings.

No stopping a forklift at an intersection with a stop sign.


Written warning